Prepare your roof for storm season

Life seems a little unsure right now. But, no matter what else is happening around the world, Oklahoma will have spring storm season just like it always does. The normalcy and predictability of that fact seems almost comforting right now, doesn’t it? (At least it is one thing that isn’t canceled!)

Since you probably have a smidge more time around your house these days, now is the perfect time to get your roof ready for spring storm season. We’ve compiled an easy-to-tackle list to make sure you and your roof are ready for whatever Oklahoma throws at us this yearBonus: Iwill get you outside in the fresh air! 


Here are four things to do to help prepare your roof for this spring storm season:

1. Clean your gutters. 

Fall and winter debris can fill up your gutters fast. Clean out all debris so that water can freely pour out. Also, be sure that all the drains, gutters and downspouts are properly attachedand the flow of water drains as you would like on your property. Then, every time we get a good Oklahoma spring rain (or storm), climb up and check those gutters again. You’ll be amazed how quickly (and how often) they fill up with storm debris. And, if your gutters are clogged, a storm will cause water to back up onto your roof increasing the likelihood of water damage or leaks in your home.  Here are other tips for Fall roof maintenance. 

2. Trim any trees near your roof.

A major cause of roof damage during storm season is limbs breaking and falling onto the roof during a storm. Take a proactive approach before the storm and go take a good look at your trees. Identify any branches that look like a storm could send them falling onto your roof and remove them now. A few hours of labor now could save you a lot of labor and money after the storm. 


3. Identify your roof condition prior to storms.

Get up close and personal with your roof. Find the imperfections and areas where additional wear and tear might cause issues. Look for any rips or punctures that could become worse with high winds. Inspect all your flashings and makes sure they are all properly sealed. Even better, call us out for an (always free) inspection so you know your roof is in good shape or we can repair small issues before spring storms make them larger ones.  Here are more tips for spotting high wind damage. 


4. Review your insurance policies regarding storm damage.

First, be sure your premiums are all up to date and keep all needed contact information handy. You don’t want to have to search for this information when you have storm damage to deal with as well. Also, take a few minutes to take some before pictures of your roof. It’s easy and can provide insurance adjusters needed information after the storm hits. Call this your QuarantineInSpring Roof 

Plan: Take a few minutes each day and knock this list out in time for the big storms. Also, be sure to call Turner Roofing, and we’ll come out and give you a free inspection to give you a good understanding of the condition of your roof and what you can expect when spring winds and rains hit.  Call us at 918-258-2585 and we’ll provide you with a trusted estimate, so you’ll know what you need to do if storm damage repair is also part of your quarantine life.